Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Toilet Train My Cat

The three P's of toilet training - follow these three simple steps and your cat will be using the toilet in no time!
The 8 most common cat toilet training methods - and how to determine which one is right for your cat (this is essential information, if you choose the wrong method and have
to switch later your cat will be much harder to train)!
12 pro's of toilet training your cat - you may be very surprised at what you read here!
17 cat breeds that are the easiest to toilet train - plus, 12 breeds that require slightly different training methods when toilet training them!
10 things you must consider before deciding to toilet train your cat - ignore this information and your training efforts will surely fail, no matter
how hard you try!
The hardest part of toilet training a cat - and how to overcome this obstacle as fast as possible!
The golden rule of training cats to use the toilet - more than anything else, you must read this!
How old a cat should be before you start training them to use the toilet - find out why you should never, ever risk toilet training a cat that is too young!
13 tips that will make the training process easier than you probably ever imagined possible - these tips will help you put your cat on the fast track to
How to get started toilet training your cat in five easy steps - follow these steps and your cat will be using the toilet faster than you ever imagined possible!
What to do if your cat is resisting your training - if things aren't going well, you can use this incredible tip to get your cat back on track to success!
How to teach your cat to balance on a toilet seat - after reading this fantastic tip, you are sure to slap your forehead and say "Now why didn't I think of that?"
How to teach your cat to actually flush the toilet - follow this tip and you'll be amazed at how easy this is to do!
The best treats to reward your cat with during training - using the right treats can make a big difference in your cat's progress, find out the best ones to use here! I've also
included a bonus of 100 cat recipes that make wonderful treats!